Simple Splendor (24"x 36" Metal Print)

no longer available for purchase

Heather is one of the most aesthetic of wildflowers in the Canadian Rockies. The area around Miette Pass, shown here is one of the premier places to see vast sees of white, pink, and red heather, interlaced together in a bouquet of beauty.

Metal Prints

Keep your image preserved for generations on a durable and captivatingly vivid metal surface.

Advantages of Metal Prints:

  • Increased vibrancy

  • Life-like color profiles

  • Low-profile for many different mounting options

Images From the Canadian Rockies

Captured by Jasper-based photographer, hiking guide, and guidebook author Ben Nearingburg, all images from Starry Summit Mountain Photography are limited edition prints and arrive individually numbered with a placard describing the scene. Living in the Jasper Townsite in Jasper National Park, Starry Summit Mountain Photography images give an authentic glimpse into lesser-travelled parts of the Rockies and are a great way to commemorate a previous adventure, or inspire travels to come.

Optional Digital NFT

An option for those digitally savvy and looking to expand their collection of artistic pieces into the modern age. Each limited edition print from Starry Summit Mountain Photography is paired with an NFT. When purchasing a print, consider adding the linked NFT for an extra ($10.00); NFTs are stored on the Ethereum blockchain and are administered through the OpenSea marketplace. The listing for this piece, Simple Splendor, can be in the link below. NFTs are only sold when accompanied with physical prints.


Location of This Image