A Precarious Perch (20" x 30" Large Format Canvas Print with Frame), Limited to 3 Prints
This image was captured on the summit ridge of one of the most treacherous and committing climbs in the Canadian Rockies, Mount Alberta. On a smoke-filled fall the summit (which rises to 3619 m) had mesmerizing views looking south towards Mount Columbia, The Twins, and other peaks of the Columbia Icefield.
This image was captured on the summit ridge of one of the most treacherous and committing climbs in the Canadian Rockies, Mount Alberta. On a smoke-filled fall the summit (which rises to 3619 m) had mesmerizing views looking south towards Mount Columbia, The Twins, and other peaks of the Columbia Icefield.
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“That looks cold up there, why not go to the cafe?.”
Liam H.